W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !

About .MQXLIFF File Format

To do word count in MQXLIFF, let’s get to know a little more about this format.

Based on XML, the XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLF or XLIFF) was created to standardize the way different CAT tools store information. As such, most modern CAT software supports XLF, though many add their own “personal touch” to the format. Examples include SDL Trados, MemoQ and Memsource. MQXLIFF is the proprietary variant of XLF used by MemoQ. Other CAT program will in most cases still be ably to read such files. However, some data specific to MemoQ may be lost in the process. Link: MemoQ

Word, Character, Line Counts for MQXLIFF files

After adding MQXLIFF files to Anycount, you will have to choose whether you need to count the source text (the original) or target text (the translation) in the CAT tab of the Options window.

Options for CAT Word count

When counting of .MQXLIFF files is completed, you can:

  • view count results on the screen;
  • print count results;
  • export count results to .HTML, .DOCX, or .PDF formats.
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