W O R D C O U N T ? A N Y C O U N T !
How many pages is 1000 words?

Everything in this life is relative, even when it comes to the word count. Let’s say you need to evaluate your productivity or figure out translation job volume in your head. Are 1000 words a lot or a little? How many pages is 1000 words?

The answer depends on the language, font, and line spacing you use. It may also depend on hyphenation in your document. If you use hyphenation, the text becomes leaner and more words fit on one page. Depending on the task, the influence of the factors mentioned above can vary greatly. Let’s figure it out.

To answer how many pages is 1000 words, we took a 1000-word text in Times New Roman and tried different sizes and line spacing. Here are the results.

How many pages is 1000 words in Times New Roman, font size 12pt?

1000 words in Times New Roman, font size 12pt, the single-spaced format are little more than 2 pages.

Times New Roman, font size 12pt, single-spaced format

In Times New Roman, font size 12pt, half line spacing will be little more than 3 pages.

Times New Roman, font size 12pt, half line spacing

In Times New Roman, font size 12pt, the double-spaced format will be little more than 4 pages.

Times New Roman, font size 12pt, double-spaced

How many pages is 1000 words in Times New Roman, font size 14pt?​

1000 words in Times New Roman, font size 14pt, the single-spaced format are almost 3 pages.

Times New Roman, font size 14pt, single-spaced

In Times New Roman, font size 14pt, half line spacing will be little more than 4 pages.

1000 words in Times New Roman, font size 14pt, half line spacing

In Times New Roman, font size 14pt, the double-spaced format will be 5 and a half pages.

1000 words in Times New Roman, font size 14pt, double-spaced
Word count program and character count program

AnyCount word count tool to count pages

When you need to count characters, words, lines, or pages in a document, it is more reasonable to use the AnyCount word count tool. One of the benefits, when AnyCount counts pages, it delivers you a more accurate result. For example, Microsoft Word will count the whole page, even if only one word is on it. AnyCount does not use such rounding, which will allow you to see a more accurate outcome.

1000 words are 3 pages

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